It's not hard being a food cricket! Our main goal is to help introduce people to some of the best independent and local restaurants, in order to get them away from the big chains. Food should be fun, unique and delicious, and that is what we are after!

Saturday, February 6, 2021

Show Your Support!

 Today seems like a good day to draw attention to our goal for Food Crickets. Far too many small businesses, including many restaurants, have been having a rough time since the COVID pandemic began last year. Now more than ever, we need to shop and eat local. If you patronize a small business, the money stays local. If you shop and eat at chains, eventually that money ends up in the pockets of a corporation, and that is something no one should want. Do yourself a favor and break free from the chains and explore and experiment with small, local businesses. In our experience, these are always so much more interesting, fun and, really, just better overall. No matter where you happen to be, try out some new local places. Our website and our book will help to guide you to some of the places we recommend, but there is no need to stop there. Try something new, you're bound to enjoy it.

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